Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Cheers to a Fun Weekend

I am afraid that I am becoming more and more like "the aunt." She's always on the go and is so spontaneous! I think some of that spur-of-the-moment lifestyle is starting to rub off on me, as I experienced on Friday. As I mentioned in the previous post, my one and only class of the day was cancelled. It was 10AM, I was all ready for the day (as I wasn't expecting the cancellation), and I had no plans for the weekend....so.... why not take a trip to Hibbing? I rushed to my house and quickly threw things in my suitcase while my aunt checked the oil and other stuff in my car, then 5 minutes later when I was done packing I stopped by the gas station to fill up and then I hit the road! I arrived in Hibbing a little after three. When I woke up at 8:30 that day, I wasn't expecting to be in Hibbing 6 1/2 hours later! But, it was worth it. I had FUN!

Friday I went to Virginia to look at dresses with Chelsea, Brittany, and Natalie. After that we stopped by the Williamson's to see a couple of the dresses Brit gets to choose from for Prom Alternative. We ended up staying there for awhile visiting w/Mrs. Willy, and then went to the Reini's to watch Ever After.

Saturday I was fortunate enough to sleep in until 11 *note I didn't get to sleep until 2:30 AM.* Then I went with Brooke, Jess, Britt, Mrs. Williamson, and Brock to the NK Spartans playoff football game where we met Mr. & Mrs. Velo, Ruth, Craig, and Brooke S. They ended up winning 41-21! Woohoo! Go Spartans! Reid did an excellent job, as you can read in Sunday's sports section of the Daily Tribune! Definetely a great game played for the memory of his last home game. We then went to the Williamson's to have pizza and to hang out for a little bit. Before heading for home Brooke & I stopped at a gas station to buy some soup for Kari and Mark Pearson because they were sick. We dropped it off to them, and ended up staying for a little bit and chatting. That concluded Saturday.

Sunday was church, of course. Then a lot of us went to McDonalds for lunch. I went home before going to the hayride so I could finish up some homework before the road trip back to Austin (Acutally I stayed in Lakeville that night and left for Austin early in the morning...) I then went to the hayride which was super fun and I'm really glad I stayed for it! I ended up leaving Hib-town at 8:40, and arrived in Lakeville at 12:15AM.

Thanks to everyone who hung out with me! You'll be seeing me quite a bit this month with Veteran's Day weekend and Thanksgiving weekend off from school. I'm not sure how often I'll get to visit Hibbing in the winter, so I'll make up for it now :)

Enjoy the pics.

Brooke, me, Jess, and Ruth. I'm not really sure what I'm doing with my left hand. It looks as if I am going to conduct an orchestra. And it looks like Jess is trying to sneak in a quick nap before the game's over. :P
Brooke, Craig, Jessie, Ruth, myself, Brooke S, Britt, and Brock excited over the Spartans win! Gotta love Brock's face expression!
Silly Pope.

For the Star Wars fans:

Christian & Sarah- the kids Bonnie nannies.


Blogger dangeresque dan said...

nice post and pics. . . no mention of me though. But I will survive.

9:21 PM, November 01, 2005  
Blogger [ brooke ] said...

Ha, it was fun hanging out with you, Spamber! Those pictures are great. I couldn't stop laughing. Ask Pope. He's right next to me. LoL.

Oh, Kari didn't get any of the soup. Mark devoured it.

5:15 PM, November 03, 2005  
Blogger [ brooke ] said...

Those are great costumes, BTW (even though Halloween SUCKS).

5:26 PM, November 03, 2005  

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