Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Onto Happier Thoughts

So the 2 month marker for living here in Spam Town has passed. And I must say at first the moving and getting adjusted to a new life was (and sometimes still is) pretty tough. I'm really getting used to it here though. People at this church are so accepting, kind, and so willing to step out of their comfort zone to welcome a newcomer! I have had numerous people introduce themselves and welcome me. It definetely helps, that's for sure. Now I am starting to hang out with other youth leaders more and more and starting to learn more about them, and vice versa. I was laughing uncontrollably the other day when I was out to eat with 2 of them and they said "I don't think we've ever seen you laugh this hard before." It just showed me that I am starting to get more comfortable around people and realizing that adjusting to a new life really isn't that bad. If anything, it's great to leave the life you were so used to and find out what is out there! God has been so faithful when it comes to providing friends and making me feel "at home." Granted, I miss Hib-town a whole lot, but I really enjoy life here in Spam Town. School's been going okay. I didn't do so hot on one of my mid-terms, but hey, I will work harder! This week we had a special speaker named Art Vanzalen. He is actually the director for FMMC (Fort Meyer's Master's Commission). On Sunday the whole team was here and they took over the service: worship, human videos, testimonies, etc. I even got to see Matt Hagsten! I'm not sure if he saw me though. But if he did, I'm sure he thought it was pretty weird seeing me at a different church. :P Who knows though, I never got a chance to talk to him. Anyway, Art spoke sunday morning and sunday-tuesday night. He is a very funny speaker and had some great stuff to share from God's word. I'm definetely glad I didn't miss one of the services! Also, tonight I babysat for Angie & Corey. I didn't get a chance to take a picture of Keaton and Jackson, but I will some other time when I am babysitting. They are sooo cute!

And that's about it for now folks. I appreciate anyone who has been praying for me. Life is pretty grand! Thanks. Let me know who I can be praying for in return! Like I say, NEVER doubt the power of prayer. God's doin some awesome things, not only in my life, but just in general. I'm not really sure how anyone can doubt His existence because to me, it's just so evident. But that's a whole other story. I will see everyone in 2 weeks from today!! And no, there won't be any surprise early visits this time.....or will there be?? JK. I love you all so much!


Blogger spartamom said...

I changed the date of our Anne of Green Gables movie marathon to the weekend after. So, that means since you'll be around, you are more than welcome to come hang out at the broberg house. It was nice to see you at MYC but it'll be nice to actually hang out and talk-can't wait to see you! Love and miss you-jess

8:03 AM, October 26, 2005  
Blogger [ brooke ] said...

I miss you.

OH! I saw the word "corey" and I jumped. Wrong Corey.. LoL (:

7:27 PM, October 27, 2005  

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