WoOoO HOoOoO!5 day vacation comin' right up!I'm going to the cities tomorrow.I'll be home Tuesday.I hope all your guys' Labor Day weekend is awesome!!!Be safe, please.
As I was doing my devotions this morning, I came across this verse that stuck out to me.Thought I'd share it with you all.Jeremiah 32:40 (NIV)
"I will make an everlasting covenant with them: I will never stop doing good for them, and I will inspire them to fear me, so that they will never turn away from me."And that's all on this Monday. Peace out!!
A Decision has Been Made
After some serious pondering, I have decided that I will not be going to college this year. I'm not for sure if I'm going to be taking the whole year off or just the semester. I am going to see how things work out with my job and decide from there. My plan was to hopefully have finished my AA degree by next summer; however, I just feel that a break is necessary in this part of my life! Jesus, I know you know the plans for my life. May I walk in your footsteps and trust you to lead me...I will go wherever you want me to go! I will do whatever you want me to do!
It'll take some gettin' used to, that's fo shiggidy.
A possibility?!
I might not be going to school this semester and/or year!!!!!
I was talking to my aunt about life in general and she made a good point. "If you hate school so much, you don't have to go. Just take a year off and see how it can always go back." So yeah..i dunno friends. She also pointed out that if i go when i don't really wanna be there, i'm not gonna try hard anyway. I will barely put any effort in at all. So i've been praying about it and I think I am going to take some time off. Not that I deserve time off, but seeing as how I have NO idea of what I'm going to major in, I think I am going to take some time off to pray about it. I would be working full time and praying hard core. So I's a possiibility!!! I know a few people who have taken a break and didn't regret it.
That's the nice thing about having graduated. Do i want to keep going to school? Or do I not?
So that's the scoop. My life is always up in the air!
And as for an update: i don't know if I'm going to get my nose pierced or not. It's still an option! I am, however, thinking about getting a perm!
Who knows.
Love you all
Yesterday I was fortunate to have the day off from work and to spend my day at Valleyfair. Youth groups all across MN (and even some Wisconsoners, as well) were there. So me and a few of my older friends decided to use this day as a get together & hang out time, since we don't get to spend too much time together, since life and college has brought us our separate ways. It was a ton of fun! Granted, it felt like it was 100 degrees and everyone had sweat drippin all over the place, but we tended to push that aside and go on having fun anyway! I only rode 6 rides the whole 7 hours I was there(the Wild Thing taking up two of those 6), but it was nice walking around and chatting with everyone. Not to mention I got to see some of my Sparta friends!!! (I saw Brittany Williamson as well, but unfortunately I forgot to take a picture with her!) Which was wonderful, since I haven't seen or talked to them in a while. 'Twas a great day! Even after only getting 2.5 hours of sleep the night before and getting a nice lobster sun burn!
37-34 years!
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to one of the cutest couples in the world-- Jon and Shannon Bradley!!!3 years ago already? WOW! I remember August 9, 2003 as clear as a bell! 'Twas a lovely day. The joining together of two beautiful and wonderful people. I am happy and thankful to have cousins like you who go out of their way for me and who care so much about others!You are very much appreciated and loved.Congratulations to the both of you!May your day be filled with JOY!!!Love you both =-)
And miss you very much.Hope to see you soon!
I'm Taking a Poll
So one of my co-workers pointed out at dinner the other night that after two of our other gal workers leave in August, I will be the only female worker without my nose pierced. And then she added on to that statement "You should get your nose pierced!!!"
So my friends, after thinking about it I thought "hmmm....maybe I will be spontaneous and get it done?" It's not a for sure thing or anything. I'm just wondering if y'all think I should get it done or not.
You can comment anonymously, but if you're going to say no, PLEASE leave it at that. Please don't put any rude remarks after it! This blog wasn't made to degrade myself or anyone else.
And please note that whatever the majority votes, that may or may not stop me from doing it.
EVERYONE COMMENT!!! Even if you have never left a comment before, if you know who I am, that's all you need to know!!! Thanks guys.
P.S. PLEASE don't vote more than once if you're going to comment anonymously. :P
I promise it wouldn't look like that.
37 years!
37 years ago today my mom and dad said their vows and began their new life together. Just wanted to say CONGRATULATIONS to the best parents in the world. They go above and beyond the call of duty, and for that I am very thankful! I love you both and wish you many many MANY more years of happiness!!!