Friday, August 11, 2006


Yesterday I was fortunate to have the day off from work and to spend my day at Valleyfair. Youth groups all across MN (and even some Wisconsoners, as well) were there. So me and a few of my older friends decided to use this day as a get together & hang out time, since we don't get to spend too much time together, since life and college has brought us our separate ways.

It was a ton of fun! Granted, it felt like it was 100 degrees and everyone had sweat drippin all over the place, but we tended to push that aside and go on having fun anyway! I only rode 6 rides the whole 7 hours I was there(the Wild Thing taking up two of those 6), but it was nice walking around and chatting with everyone. Not to mention I got to see some of my Sparta friends!!! (I saw Brittany Williamson as well, but unfortunately I forgot to take a picture with her!) Which was wonderful, since I haven't seen or talked to them in a while.

'Twas a great day! Even after only getting 2.5 hours of sleep the night before and getting a nice lobster sun burn!


Blogger [ brooke ] said...

Wasn't it AWESOME?
There were some things I would've changed. Like assuming I'll see someone again but NOT.
I'm so happy I got to see them.
I got a wicked sunburn, too.

12:56 PM, August 14, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey i'm a friend of brittany williamson and her youth pastor aaron from spencer lake youth camp. i lost her website and email and i was wondering if you knew what it was. i saw a picture of you and aaron together so i figured that you might have it. if you could send me an email of what it is that would be awesome thanks

1:46 AM, August 17, 2006  

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