Greetings, Amigos
I hope you all had a great weekend. Mine was very eventful, yet relaxing. I even got to enjoy a nap today for the first time in about.....ages. I am just now catching up on the sleep I lost after prom alternative and Shaleah's sleepover on Friday. Tomorrow is the beginning of May, and the start of a busy week. I have a couple big projects to get done for school (as always, procrastination is not the answer), which i'm actually semi looking forward to. The sooner I get those done, the sooner school is over! Well, kinda. I'll be taking a couple summer courses along with getting a part-time job somewhere. But I don't think summer courses should be as bad...but I guess I'll find out. Finals are the week of the 15-18th. And that will be the end of my freshman year! woohoo!This Thursday I'll be heading to Spamville for the night. Then on Friday, Bonnie, Shannon, Jon, and I will be heading to Ames to watch my beautiful cousin Stacy graduate from college!!! Saturday we'll celebrate and eat a ton, I'm sure, then pack up all of her and Nick's stuff, because Sunday we're helping them move to Sioux Falls.
So, that is my week in a nutshell. Have a great week everyone (even if it is supposed to be rainy until Friday...)!!
I'll post a few more prom pics for fun :D
Shattered Assembly. The best band EVER!! Okay, so I don't know what I was thinking when I was trying to take this pic from a different angle...apologies (I am obviously not a professional photographer!).
Brittainee, Matt N., and Brooke hanging out at the after party
The lovely Brobergs!
Don't Mess with the Pope
I thought it was a creative title. haha. This is probably my favorite prom alt. picture (on my camera, that is).
Can you tell I almost started smiling/laughing? Thanks, Molly, for letting me use your sunglasses.
I wish I could have posted this earlier in the day, but unfortunately I wasn't able to use my computer until now.
I love you, cutie! Hope your day's been fun, and I hope you enjoy the rest of your vacation in Sparta.
Welcome to teen-hood :)
The dusting's done.
The laundry's done.
The vacuuming's done.
The house is spic n' span!
There's one thing missing, though...
Less than 24 hours...
Yay :)
I bet you didn't know...
Take your height and divide by 8. That's how tall your head is.
During his lifetime, Herman Melville's Moby Dick only sold 50 copies.
While humans and most species are divided into two sexes, mushrooms contain over 36,000 sexes!
99% of people cannot lick their elbow.
In ancient Rome it was considered a sign of leadership to be born with a crooked nose.
The most dangerous job in the United States is that of an Alaskan Crab Fisherman.
Walt Disney world generates about 120,000 pounds of garbage each day.
On average, the life span of an American dollar bill is 18 months.
A person will burn 7 percent more calories if they walk on hard dirt compared to pavement.
Each year 96 billion pounds of food is wasted in the U.S. (makes me sick...)
Supposedly these facts have all been verified. I just went to google and searched "interesting facts," and it lead me to some website that seemed credible. Hope you learned something new for the day. I did!
Hey everyone.
Thank-you for the very encouraging words on my last post. Granted, it is a difficult situation. But I have just been giving it to the Lord, and decided I'm not going to let it bother me as much. It's all in His hands, so there's no need for me to worry. Thanks for the support.
Well, this should be a fun filled week! My mom and I will be busy cleaning and preparing for our relatives to arrive. On Saturday we are putting on a baby shower for Shannon. That should be a ton of fun! Just spending time with family and relatives will be really fun! I'm really looking forward to it, and hoping the time with them will go by ssssslllllloooooooow.
I hope you guys have a great week! This week has a great significance to it, and I hope you will take the time to remember Jesus's death on the cross, and remember that he ROSE AGAIN. Can I get an AMEN? haha. To anyone who's traveling, please drive safely and enjoy spending time with your family!
HAPPY Birthdays
I'd like to wish Pastor Aaron a very happy birthday and also my Grandpa Archie who turned 86 today! May your day be filled with JOY~
Being unable to think with clarity or act with understanding and intelligence.
(Thank you,
Yeup. This word basically sums up how I have been feeling lately. This whole college thing is really starting to bug me. I regret not taking the time in high school to think more about life after high school, or to check out some colleges. Like always, I procrastinated and said "Oh, I have 4 years to figure that out." "Oh, I have 3 years to figure that out." "College??? I have 2 years to figure that out!" "Not a problem...still gotta year to figure out what in the world I'm going to do with my life." And now...10 months after graudation, I sit and wonder why I didn't put any thought into this before. I know I am supposed to be in Hibbing right now, because the Lord has spoke through people for me, but I dunno...I guess I just feel doubt a lot of times. Not doubt that it's the Lord's doing, but just think that there is a better world out there for me elsewhere. Here I am with no idea of what I want to major in. And when I say no idea, I mean it. I don't know what kind of field I want to go to, what kind of schooling I should go to, or anything. One day I'm for sure staying in Hibbing, and the next I think "North Central here I come!" But yeah....I don't know....just kinda confused. Why must this all be so difficult?! I would really love to take a year off, but I'm not working that hard as it is, and I think I'd just continue to get even more lazy. Plus, my mom thinks that's a bad idea. So I dunno...will you guys maybe slip in a prayer sometime this week for me? I've been feelin' a little bummed out about it. Don't think you have to make it your #1 priority or anything, but maybe right before a meal or something say "...and please knock some sense into Amber. Amen." I'd greatly appreciate it.
Oy Vey
I do not want to lose an hour of sleep tonight. But I guess what we want and what we get are two different things, right? I say I'm going to go to bed early, but I doubt that will happen. Look on the bright side though--it won't get dark as early! :)