Monday, November 21, 2005

Well, I didn't have a very eventful weekend, but I thought I should update once before I head to Hib-town. Friday Bonnie and I were suppose to go to a play, but she wasn't feeling well so we ended up just staying home. I watched "Christmas Vacation." It's a pretty funny movie, but I don't recommend it because well, it doesn't have tons of swear words, but enough to get annoyed. I ended up stayin up until 2... Not really sure how, but I did. Saturday wasn't really a sleeping in day for me. I woke up at 8 (not normal for me...) because I couldn't sleep. I did some homework, got bored with that, so just kind of relaxed until later on Bonnie and I went to a play at the college. "To Kill a Mockingbird." I started to read the book..but I never finished. It was kind of nice knowing the ending by just watching and not having to read. :) The actors here are very talented. I went to the "Hello Dolly" musical they performed last month and it was really good, so I wanted to see this one...which was also pretty good. Plus, every student gets 2 free tickets, so, why not? We then went to Applebee's just for something to do. Afterwards we came home and I started reading the first book of the "Redemption series" by Karen Kingsbury and Gary Smalley that my cousin Shannon recommended & borrowed to me. I'm only on the second chapter, but so far, so good! Yesterday I woke up with the worst head cold ever....I would move my head the slightest bit and it would hurt like crazy. So we went to church (baptism Sunday!), which was really good, as usual...then headed to the clinic. We were there for about an hour and all he told me was to get some Claritin and some nose drops. Hey, it ended up working! After the clinic I felt stomach was starting to hurt and I thought that I was catching the stomach flu my aunt had last week, but thank goodness it wasn't that. I took a two hour nap and felt MUCH better afterwards. I am feeling much better today too, so that's good. I was hoping I wouldn't be sick for Thanksgiving weekend. I ended up having to miss Bible study that I was really looking forward to because we were going to have a Thanksgiving dinner and play some games, but there was no way I was going to go feeling how I, I didn't want anyone to catch what I had and be sick for Thanksgiving. And that pretty much sums up my weekend.......
Now I'll be busy working on a Psychology project due Wednesday and writing a paper due tomorrow! Woo hoo. I'll see everyone Wednesday. Love you all.
Have a great Thanksgiving weekend! Enjoy yourselves!!


Blogger SuperStar said...

Hey.. I hope you have a great Thanksgiving! I love you!

2:53 PM, November 21, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My weekend wasnt that exciting either shainerz! I can't wait to see you on friday! Make sure u pencil me in!!!Love ya!

4:19 PM, November 21, 2005  
Blogger SuperStar said...

MAN! everyone is going home for Thanksgiving.. SIgh.. I miss you guys...

12:00 PM, November 22, 2005  
Blogger [ brooke ] said...

Aww! They named a musical for you!

Get it?

4:22 PM, November 22, 2005  
Blogger SuperStar said...

nope. no clue.....

6:31 PM, November 23, 2005  

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