Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Weekend Recap

Happy July 5th everyone! I trust that everyone had a great weekend. I know I did!! I love having eventful weekends like this one past. Usually they go by really fast and aren't that fun, but, this one was totally opposite!


*Saturday: Shopping trip to Duluth. Jessie, Brittany, Brooke and I decided to have a "girls day out." We first went to the Miller Hill Mall, following that we headed to PetCo, then TjMaxx. Let's just say that some new memories/traditions were made for "J," "Taye," "Lucky," and I. The time in Duluth was filled with laughter and fun!!
*******P.S. ******* Mrs. Willy, thanks for the cookies, once again, and I hope you don't think I'm a bad influence for trying to get Brittany to get her cartilege pierced :P
I could go on and on and on about this day, but, I'll save everyone the time and tell about the rest of the weekend.

The rest of the night consisted of : going to Walmart, fireworks, and sleepover in the Williamson camper! **I promise there was no such form of prank calling going on at this time**
hahaha there are a lot of other funny things I would like to tell you about this day but, sorry, can't!

*Sunday: Sunday I had people over for a BBQ. We ended up playing numerous games of "Finlander (or french, depending on what you'd like to call it -hahah craig.) Bocce Ball," regular Bocce ball and horseshoes. We then went to the Nashwauk fireworks -which were wonderful (along with Keewatin). Then, we came back to my house for a bonfire and fireworks.
Thanks to everyone that came and brought stuff for the BBQ. It was A LOT of fun! We definetely will have to play more rounds of Finlander Bocce ball so I can kick your guys butts once again :P

*Monday: To start off the day Fire Marshall Craig invited Brooke and I to ride along in the firetruck in the Nashwauk parade. Before the parade Brooke and I discovered that tow trucks can now tow bikes away. Needless to say, it was a blonde moment for the both of us :P It was pretty fun waving at all the cute little kids! After the parade I came home for a little bit, then went to Brooke and Jaci's house for dinner. They're dad made delicious steak and Jaci made chocolate cheesecake....YUM!! I then went to the Duluth fireworks with Brianna, Brett, James, and Opey. That was the first time I've seen the Duluth ones. They lasted about a half hour (i think) and were extremely pretty!!

Then, the weekend came to an end. It's back to work time! I was extremely tired today for staying up so last night , but, it was worth it. I went to work and a fellow employee asked "So, Amber, who do you know from the Keewatin Fire Dept?".....

The End.

Of course there was a lot more that went on, but, to save you time I summed the weekend up. It was an extremely fun weekend!!!!! I hope everyone else can say the same:)


Blogger SuperStar said...

Hey Shainerz.......
Yeah, Jac told me you guys came over for dinner. she said it blessed her, and it was FUNN.

1:30 PM, July 06, 2005  
Blogger jac-atac said...

Yeah Shain, I did have fun! I felt so bad that you had to smell the broccoli and my wonderful salad during the meal at Dad's, however. Your BBQ was the best.

2:18 PM, July 06, 2005  
Blogger [ brooke ] said...

That definately was fun, Shainaz! Thanks for inviting us to Duluth and inviting me to come along with you and Craig. I certainly didn't know that they had a new kind of tow truck.. Did you?

10:17 AM, July 07, 2005  

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