Tuesday, June 28, 2005

QuEsTiOn oF ThE dAy

What's your most embarassing moment?


Blogger dangeresque dan said...

You know I don't have just one. I have a few. One of the more prevelant ones is probably took place years ago when I was in the 4th grade. I was talking to the girl I liked at the time and she liked me too. When she says "Who let the chickens out of the coop?" a few times. It took me a while to realize my zipper was down. I ran away screaming the girls were trying to kiss me. . . not my smoothest move.

10:34 PM, June 28, 2005  
Blogger Shainerz said...

My most embarassing moment was at camp about 3 years ago. Friday, the last day, we decided to go to the bathroom quick before we left for home. I happened to have my water bottle with me, so, brianna and I thought we'd be funny and spray Justine in the face when she came out of the bathroom stall. I was standing outside of the stall and when the door opened I quickly sprayed her face...except....IT WASN'T JUSTINE!!!! The girl didn't say anything, she just looked super shocked. I quickly said "sorry" and rushed out of the bathroom. Needless to say, that was my most embarassing moment.

11:23 PM, June 28, 2005  
Blogger [ brooke ] said...

Poor Kranny.. OH MY GOSH! Amber, that sounds like something I would do..

OK, here is just one of mine. I was at camp and Jess and Jenn and I kept seeing this gorgeous African American guy so we would kinda follow him (well, I would) because I was a nerd and that was what I did.. Anyways, it was in the morning just after breakfast and I was in the bathroom "freshening up" and I had on a pair of boxers because I just had a quick shower. My hair was wet and I was in a t-shirt and boxers, and as I was walking out of the bathroom to go to my cabin, sure enough, the guy is standing there. I smile and mumble "hello" and quickly rush past him. (Jenni is with me at the time, BTW) He's leaning on the rail and he says to me, "Dang, girl! Your legs are WHITE!" Jenni immediately starts laughing and I go "Augh!" and quickly run away.

4:09 PM, June 30, 2005  

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