Chocolate Stars for Grandpa!
Today's Memorial Day hits home more than past days have as today our family is remembering the one year anniversary of grandpa's death. I remember the night before a bunch of friends and myself were celebrating at Brianna's bachelorette party in the cities. I spent the night at my aunts and woke up to her crying in the room next to me. I thought that since grandpa had been pretty sick for the last couple weeks that it could have to do with him, but hoping that it wasn't for that reason.
It brings a lot of heartache and sadness as he was the last grandparent of mine to pass away, and the one that I had known the best. But it brings so much relief and comfort knowing that his weary body is now not suffering and that he is celebrating with the LORD! He now doesn't have to use his walker as I'm sure he's putting his new heavenly body to use by dancin' with the angels!
Grandpas food groups consisted of: cheetos, sour gummy worms, mt. dew, and chocolate stars! So as I was at Wal-Mart buying flowers to plant by relatives graves today I couldn't pass up the chocolte stars that were in the aisle. I thought they sounded mighty tasty, and I thought I'd bring some to grandpa, too! So now his grave is decorated nicely with bright flowers and I couldn't resist sharing the chocolate stars with him since so often I would sneak into his snack drawer and enjoy a tasty treat every now and then--sorry gramps. :) I owed you.
I put a lot of orange flowers by yours, grandma's and Uncle Dale's graves today as I thought the orange was appropriate by how much you loved to hunt!
I hope you are eating as much junk food as you can there in heaven! I miss you like crazy and I shed a few tears here and there, but really grandpa, as much as it hurts, I am glad you are in heaven enjoying all the junk food you can possibly imagine and dancing and celebrating freely...your body was tired and ready to rest....and Jesus obviously wanted His time with you, too. :) And I love that fact that you aren't separated from your wife and son anymore...I know it hurt you to not have them around, so I am glad they are celebrating with you too! Take good care of them and I'll be sure to try to take care of your loved ones here...
We'll see you again someday! But for now, I am holding the memories so close to my heart.
Only happy tears...
"Shave and a hair cut..two bits!"