An Encouragement
I love this passage. It stuck out to me Sunday when I was doing my devotions, and it's been my focus for the week. Philippians 4: 6-7 (NKJV)"Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."TGIF!
WOOOHOOO!!!Just a tad bit excited! Just a tad...
A buncha stuff
I've been wanting to start becoming more and more independent so to start off I've got 2 credits cards, that is, after having been denied about 5 times because I haven't had a opportunity to build credit yet. I didn't specifically want two, but Wells Fargo automatically gives college-aged students that bank with them a credit card to guarantee they start a credit report?? That's my understanding anyway. So as I was in the process of applying for a citicard, the Wells Fargo one arrived in the mail. So having credit cards is the start of my adult-matureness. It's so nice knowing that anytime I need money I can rely on my handy dandy credit cards (which might not be a good thing!). Also, I want to start paying some of my own bills. Instead of having my parents pay for my car insurance, I'm going to. And right now I'm in the process of applying for my own Health Insurance. I don't know if I'll be paying for that on my own (because it can be spendy!), but if I'm able to, I will. I've been following my mom around the house when she cleans finding out what usually gets cleaned in a house that I had no idea about. That sounds extremely dumb, but like the unseen cleaning--if that makes sense. If it doesn't, please contact me and I'll explain. :P I want to start becoming more independent so one day when I have my own place, or share....I guess....I'll be prepared!! End of topic one.Topic two:I received a letter in the mail today stating that Charlyn, the girl I sponsor, is not in the LACC (Latin American Child Care) Program anymore, so I won't be able to sponsor her. I guess sometimes when families are so poor, they move away to live with relatives, or move away to receive a better job. I was pretty bummed reading that. I've been sponsoring her for a few months now, and knowing that her family is going through a tough time hurts. I hate having money sitting in the bank account (read on before you say "what?!") and knowing that there are people who would put the money to good use just to LIVE!!!! But, I guess I have to live with that fact and continue giving as much as I can. The program sent me a brochure of a new child I can sponsor. Her name is Katherin. She's from Costa Rica as well. I guess all I can do is pray for Charlyn and her family--hoping they will find the Lord and get out of poverty. :(Topic three:I didn't think it was possible to get sunburnt on September 21st. I went for a half hour walk today. I was wearing a t-shirt rather than a sweatshirt in this cold weather (exercising kinda makes you warm, ya know) and when I got back my arms, neck, and face felt like they were burning, and sure enough! I am sunburnt. Kind of odd. But true. I thought I'd share that interesting fact with you all.P.S. My diet is going pretty well! I have been tempted beyond belief to eat more, but, I've been able to control myself!...thankfully.Topic four:7th Heaven starts in 4 days!!!!! I was supposed to work on Monday night, however, one of my co-workers called and asked if I would switch a shift with her. So now I get to watch the first episode of the newest season instead of having to tape it. For some reason, shows, to me, are always better when watching them "live" instead of taped. I don't know. Maybe I'm just weird or something!But that's all I have to say tonight.God Bless!
Lose 2 inches in 2 weeks?
One of my co-workers just had a baby 2 months ago from today and is looking for a way to lose her "baby fat," so she bought a health magazine that had "Lose 2 inches in 2 weeks!" on the cover. She was reading the article at work last night and thought that it sounded like an accurate way to lose weight--with the meals and certain exercising techniques required, etc. And it's supposedly a plan that top doctors in the United States have come up with. We were then on the subject of diets for a while and I made the point that diets are always easier when you have someone to keep you accountable. So finally she says "You should go on it with me and we can keep each other accountable!" I agreed, thinking I wouldn't mind losing a few inches, and in just 2 WEEKS?! Sounds like a plan to me!
So last night I went to the gas station where she bougt the magazine so I could pick myself up a copy. I made a list of the foods it says you can have for breakfast, lunch, and dinner and made my way over to Wal-Mart. $67 later (for not even a whole weeks worth!!!!!!!!!), I have started this so-called diet.
Here's how it works: You must walk for 30 minutes everyday, every other day you need to do these 6 certain exercises that are in the magazine. They give you a list of breakfast, lunch, and dinner meals you can choose from. They only give you 3 choices for each meal because I guess it's better to eat the same healthy foods more often rather than have a variety. I thought it was the total opposite--The more variety of foods, the better. Learn something new everyday I guess!
So everyday my co-worker and I are gonna go for a walk and eat lunch together. I started today, but she can't start until tomorrow because she has a full schedule today.
So maybe it will work? Maybe it will be a waste of money. We will see. I took the measurements last night and in two weeks from today I'll let you all know the results! I think the cheerios (without sugar, obviously) with fruit on top for breakfast might get old. The lean cuisines for lunch might get old. And the 3 choices for dinner might get old, but I guess that's the definition of dedication and sacrfice, my friends!
One Good Apple
Howdy Y'all.I'm really loving not going to school. I was never really a whiz-kid, so maybe that is why I am enjoying my absence even more. Ever since I haven't been going I've had people throw statistics at me like "Did you know 97% of people who 'take a break' never end up going back??" Yeah, yeah. Statistics Shamistics. If I go back, I go back. If I don't, I'm sure the Lord has an opportunity for me out there somewhere!! On the optimistic side, I've also had people say "That's very wise of you." "Good decision!" I'll have to agree with them. I'm thankful that I'm not taking classes that might not even transfer if I go somewhere or making myself sit through unwanted torture. Unfortunately, I haven't been praying about my future as much as I should be, but that will change very soon. I'm determined to find an answer!!! But not discouraged that I haven't found one yet.I'm really LOVIN' work. I was even told by one of the people I work with that I'm their favorite staff and by another that "You're one good apple, Amber." hahahahaha =) I get a kick out of them. It warms my heart just to see them smile and helping them make good decisions. I recently became a permanent worker! I was hired in the summer as a temporary, but that changed just a couple weeks ago. I got a raise with the change, so that's always a bonus. I'm starting to feel more comfortable around my co-workers and opening up to them more. I am extremely quiet and shy around people I don't know very well, but now I'm becoming accustomed to everything and forming new friendships!! I want the Lord to use me at my workplace. I don't want another high school repeat with me being quiet and sticking in my own little shell. So yes....that's all I have to say about that. Exciting stuff!!I don't really have too much more to say. I just haven't posted a serious/meaningful post in a while, so I thought I'd jumble some stuff together for my devoted readers.Hope all is well!
If anyone hears when the new 7th Heaven season is supposed to start PLEASE tell me!!!!!!!!!!!This is the only t.v. show that I actually care about, so, if you hear when it's first episode is suppsoed to be PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell me! I've been trying to look for it online but haven't been successful thus far.Thanks!
I had a stupendous weekend! Unfortunately, due to extreme laziness, I do not feel like updating about it now. I do, however, want to post a picture of the cutest baby in the world. My beautiful cousin Adelyn just turned 3 months yesterday. My, how time flies!
Come back soon for more!
I took almost 100 pictures of her this weekend. I kid you not!