Happy Friday!
Hey guys. Did anyone else think that this week flew by? Has anyone ever noticed that I always talk about how fast time flies? haha. I have, anyway. Have you guys ever done a Sudoku puzzle? You shoud try one sometime. They are really FUN! I am addicted to them.
I actually don't have anything to post about. I just wanted to tell you to
HAVE A FUN WEEKEND! Treat yourself to something, relax, pamper yourself! You deserve it.
I am really looking forward to April! Both of my favorite cousins will be coming up for Easter! Since one is married, and the other has a boyfriend, they spend some holidays here in Hib-town, and some at the other families. And lately for the holidays, one would be here, and the other somewhere else. But for Easter both Shannon and Stacy will be here! Not to mention their mother, Bonnie, my aunt. YES! I love spending the holidays with relatives!!! While they are here we are having a baby shower for Shannon!!! =) She is due the beginning of June. They aren't sure of the sex yet, but our family has a little "betting" thing going on. We each pitched in a dollar and had to guess the date, gender, and weight. And whoever's closest wins all the mula! I voted for a girl born on June 4th, weighing 7 lbs 9 oz. Let's hope I'm the closest! Jk Jk. I won't mind if I'm not.
You guys should guess too! Just for fun. Leave a comment and say whether you think it's going to be a boy or girl, what day (i think her due date is somewhere between June 1-8), and the weight. We'll see who of my friends is the closest. And maybe I'll buy you a candy bar of your choice or something... haha :P
But yeah...then also Prom Alternative is at the end of April! So I'm really looking forward to next month!!! Should be sweet.
Just thought I'd share that with you.
Have a FUN weekend!(Let me know if there's ever a certain font color that I use that hurts your eyes. My computer color is dark and I can't change it for some reason, so I never know.)
Get us confused w/ Uncle Rico??? We should have definetely gotten a part in that movie. Well, Brooke should have anyway :D
Random Thoughts
Hey guys! I'm not going to post anymore Dallas pics for now. For one, I get impatient waiting for them to download (must learn self-control!), and secondly, I'm sure all ya'll are getting bored with the pictures-with-barely-any-explanations-about-Texas-posts. So if you would like to see more pics, just let me know and I'll show ya them in person.
There's not a whole lot going on in my life right now. Just doing the whole school thing. It's going okay. Same 'ol, Same 'ol. I am going to be takin some summer courses. Not really looking forward to that, but I want to get credits out of the way. Right now it looks like I'll be sticking around HCC until I know what I'm going to do with my life. I'm still going to fill out my application for NCU (yeah...should have done that by now...), and see how things go from there. I'm not really in a rush to go somewhere and earn some big degree as of right now. For now, I'm going to work on my AA and see what happens. I'm not really ready to move again anyway. I like Hibbing and I like my family and friends way too much. Of course, if it were God's will for me to go somewhere, I'd leave in that case. But for now, Hib-town here I stay...
Eventually I'd like to spend a summer-long missions trip somewhere. China, perhaps? Ever since Steve Wajda, a missionary to China, came to our church to speak, I've felt a little 'tug' towards missions. I don't know if that means I'm supposed to be a missionary, or going to be a wife of a missionary, or what...but I know that missions trip will be included in my future! Sometimes I think I get my own wants mixed up with what God's trying to say. I don't know if it's just my want (to travel overseas) and not really the Lord's leading. Kinda confusing. Ever had that happen before??? I've been praying about it though, and I know the Lord will direct me..so for now, I'll be patient (unlike waiting for the pictures to load!).
Hmmm...what else? I'm going to go back to Sellman Law Office and see if they'd like me to work for them again this summer. I really hope they do. I really enjoyed the job. And the money. Right now I feel extremely lazy not having a job. I am definetely looking forward to summer! Not only to work and not be lazy, and for Colorado, but for bonfires too!!!!!! I miss having those. Oh yeah, and BBQ's!!! We'll definetely have to get some Finlander (and regular) Boccee ball games in gear.
I'm glad it is offically spring. Winter was sure getting old. Watch. Now that I say that we'll get snow tomorrow *knock on wood.* My brother will be playing baseball again this year, so I'm definetely looking forward to going to his games. It's so crazy because my mom already started buying decorations for his grad party. I was the one just graduating... and pretty soon we'll be seeing him walk across the stage and then mom and dad will no longer have children in school (still in the house, however). Crazy....
Milton's still alive! I've had him for 48 days! That is definetely a record. Gideon and McHammer only lasted 7 days combined. HAHA. Sorry, I know I shouldn't be laughing...but that's kind of funny.
I'm going to stop babbling on now. I just wanted to update and prove that I am not abdandoning my blog!!
Hope you all have a great week!
More Pics!
Bobbie & Cody
Bobbie's Family. Not the whole Master's Commission group, but there are different families. They hang out and get to know one another and...I'm guessing have Bible studies once in a while. While I was there we met for lunch and played Scattegories. They are tons of fun!
The family bein' goofy!
Total Texan-styled room at the house we stayed in.
All ya'll come back for more!
It's About that Time.
Texas was beyond awesome! It was so nice seeing Bobbie again and getting to experience the life that she's living now. I can see why she loves it so much there. The church she attends (Oaks Fellowship) is amazing. It's already huge as it is, but now they are raising money to build an even bigger church! Not only is it amazing look-wise, but it is blessed with an awesome pastoral staff, and the people are so on fire for God. Everyone was so very friendly and God's doing some awesome things there. Bobbie helps out w/the junior highers there. She is a home group pastor, along w/her friend Rachel, of a group of students that meet once a week. Along w/that, she helps out with the junior high youth group service. They have two separate services for the junior and senior highers. It was neat seeing everyone so into worship and wanting to learn more about God! I can see why she loves life down there (I know I said that once already). She is blessed with fun roommates, good weather, awesome church, many friends, and much much more! She also does many other things to help out at the church. She is really busy and involved!
3 out of the 6 nights we stayed at a couple's house from the church. They opened up their home to us so we didn't have to be crammed in the dorm all week. It was extremely thoughtful and kind! We had so much fun visiting w/them and playing games and eating her delicious peanut butter pie!!!!! yuuuuuuuuuuuum. Anyway, ....what else?
The weather was super nice! It wasn't really that hot, but it was perfect enough to be able to drive w/the windows down and not have to wear a jacket :) The highest it got was 80 or a little higher. It was pretty windy each day that i was there, so the heat wasn't unbearable or anything.
There are about 5 million stories I could share, so I'm not going to put them all on here. I would rather tell them in person. The main point is Bobbie is getting so much out of being in Masters (i could tell!) and she's allowing God to use her. I am inspired by the lifestyle she lives! She has a good servant's heart that the Lord will bless her for, if He already hasn't.
Like she was telling me on the way to the airport, it wasn't hard saying good-bye because we both know that we are where the Lord wants us. Although it would be nice to see each other everyday, we know that we will see each other again and that we're living (or trying to live) God's will. So, it wasn't hard saying good-bye to her.
Make sure to ask her about Mardi Gras!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She has awesome stories to tell about that. I'll let her explain though :)
P.S. I did see Cowboys!!! I was going to get my picture taken with one, but I was too chicken :D
She went above and beyond for me! Thanks Bobbie!!
And now I'm home....school has started, and looking forward to more traveling in the future! Colorado, perhaps??Stay tuned for pictures! Here's one. I'll post more later.
Hanging out at her dorm!
Over already????
Hey guys. I guess I am still in spreak break mode because I am feelin super lazy about updating my blog. I know you probably want to hear some about Texas, and see some pics, but just hold on a couple more days. I will eventually snap out of lazy mode--whether I want to or not :)
Hasta la Vista!!
Yes!! It's official. SPRING BREAK IS HERE! HCC has the day off tomorrow and we don't start up again until the 13th!
Later on tomorrow I'll be heading to the cities to stay at my cousin Shannon's and Jon's house! Then the next day they will be bringing me to the airport and away I go! I will be in Texas until next Saturday, the 11th (Jess Broberg's birthday!!!!) Happy Early Birthday Jess!!
And Happy Birthday to Anto on the 8th!
I'll have my cell phone on me if you want to call or text.
To you Revites:
Have a BLAST at Winter Retreat. Get the most out of it!
And to the rest of you:
Have a great week!!!!!
See ya Saturday or Sunday! :)
Ahhhhhh. BOBBIE! Ahhhhhh. WARMTH!