Saturday, June 03, 2006


Hib-town did end up beating Hermantown! The game wasn't as close as the one w/North Branch, thankfully. I don't think I could have handled another scare! They won 5-1. Josh had some exceptionally good pitching. Well, I thought anyway. He thought the same too, so I guess that's always a good sign. Usually he's so down on himself after every game. No matter how great he does, he always has to have that one negative thing drag him down. So I was happy to hear that he was satisfied with the game. And today he's exceptionally happy because he got a letter in the mail saying he was 1 of 14 top baseball players in the area, and was asked to play for the all star team in Duluth on June 21st. So that's exciting! So even if they don't end up going to state, at least he'll have one more game to look forward to. I think he'll be playing some sort of summer league too, so I guess it's not all over. And next year he'll be playing for HCC, so, I guess he has even more to look forward to. They even play Riverland Community College (Austin's community college), so that should be fun. I'll probably end up traveling there to watch the games and visit with people.

On another note, Baby Bradley is expected around June 8th! LESS THAN A WEEK! I cannot wait. As I'm sure Shannon & Jon can't either. I hope to be able to make a road trip soon after he/she is born!! I will update ya'll on the arrival.

I start school again on the 6th. I am taking 3 summer courses. At least it won't be bad cause i'll only have one to go to at the school, and 2 online. Hopefully it won't take up too much of my time. I feel like I have written on this subject about a million times. And after summer school' s done, it will already be the end of July and I'll be heading to Colorado! Really lookin' forward to that. I could really use the getting away from the Hib-town life for a while. As for plans of next year, I believe I am staying in Hibbing until I complete my AA degree. After that, the possibilities are up in the air. Perhaps I'll take a break from school and work full time? Perhaps I'll take a long missions trip overseas? Perhaps I'll move somewhere else? Who knows. I have been praying lots about my future though, and here is where I feel I should be for the time being.

Well, that's pretty much all that's on my mind. Sorry for the ranting, but, it's 1:08AM so I'm not trying to write the perfect post. Hope you guys are doing well.

Haven't left one of these in a while:

Deuteronomy 7:9
"Therefore know that the Lord your God; He is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and mercy for a thousand generations with those who love Him and keep His commandments."

You don't have to find them encouraging, but I like posting them every so often so I can be reminded of them & have encouragement/reminders for myself.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i love you alot sugar-pie-honeybunch! thats to amber by the way...=)

and congrats Josh! keep up the good game!


3:57 PM, June 03, 2006  

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