Sunday, September 02, 2007

Yes, you ARE seeing a new post!

Greetings my fellow bloggers. Hope I wasn't rejected from the blogging clan for my lack of posting. I find that my prime time of blogging is at night (when i'm most awake..wish that was different) and since I have the WHOLE day off tomorrow (believe it or not!) I thought I better get my butt into gear..

So what's new? Not a lot. I wish I could return with an exciting and thrilling new post but unfortuantely, there's nothing new with me. I believe I fall into the "work-a-holic" category as that is all I ever do. Once in a while I find time to spend with family and friends though! I feel incredibly boring and lame whenever someone asks me "what's new?" And my response every time is "I can't think of anything new...just work." Sad, Sad, Sad!

I have been doing some debating and feel that this whole two job thing is becoming a little too much. I seldomly get full days off. But I also have been praying and know that I need to start becoming less complaintive and more thankful for what I do have. So I guess the positives of having more than one job
1) it keeps me busy--not too much time to just sit around
2) the incomes are definitely a great help.
Sometimes we all can get in that mood where we feel we are the unluckiest people in the world, but really, I have a tremendous life compared to "in everything, give thanks!" (1 Thessalonians 5:18)

Well, my aunt Bonnie and my cousin Adelyn are here to visit for the weekend! Adelyn is growing like crazy. She has grown so much from the last time we saw her. Her vocabulary is very impressive and she understands most everything anyone asks her now--her reply is usually a big smile with a nod or a regular head shake. :) She's been keeping us entertained with her contagious laugh and her dancing skills she's been showing off! It's truly a treat having her and the Bon-Bon here. I will be sad to have to say farewell once again tomorrow.

OH! One other thing new. No, I'm not enrolled in HCC this semester. Go figure! I am probably one of the most undecisive people ever (i'm not bragging about that...). I have no intentions of going back to school anytime soon. Not until I know it's the right thing for sure or not. Call me crazy! I guess the whole two job thing and schooling didn't sound too appealing to add to my days, either.

That is it for now. Hopefully I'll be back before another month hits!
Take care and enjoy your Labor Day weekend!


Blogger Bradley said...

Don't feel bad. I was quite delinquent on the blogging as well. We finally got all the photos hooked up to the new computer so now I have no excuses!

Thanks for letting Adelyn be the center of attention all weekend. I know she loves it!

Keep the posts coming. Love you!

9:29 PM, September 04, 2007  
Blogger Unknown said...

Amber, I am backing you on not returning to HCC. If you don't want to go back, why go?

I have been praying for God's plans for Your life. He has amazing plans for you.

It's great that you are doing something with your life while you are not in college. Wise decision.


7:51 PM, September 22, 2007  

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