Wednesday, June 28, 2006

So Get This..

Hey guys!

I'm lovin' my new job. It is a lot of fun! We can basically do whatever we want. Take 'em to Walmart, go for walks, whatever floats our boat. It'll be nice because it will help me become a better cook (since we make their meals for them, obviously), give me a LOT of patience, and hopefully help me become more aware of the affects of certain disabilities, etc.
(Short & Sweet & To the point!)

Get this:
On Friday I was schedule to work 6am-2pm. And then yesterday at work I was asked if I could work a midnight shift on Thursday. So, to keep our supervisor from any stress, I told her I'd work both. So in other words I'm working from 11pm tomorrow night to 2 pm the next afternoon!!!!!! Crazy, eh? She asked if I thought I'd be able to handle it and I said "Doesn't hurt to try!" So....basically tomorrow I'll be getting all the sleep I can get and loading up on hardcore coffee. Whenever anyone doubles up on a shift, they're allowed to sleep for 4 hours, but I don't know if I will. I'm just afraid something would happen while i'm in deep sleep. And no guarantee that'd I'd wake up in time. Knowing me I'd keep pressing snooze and....that'd not be good. So 15 hour shift......HERE I COME!!!!!!!!

This will be me around 2pm Friday afternoon. (hopefully not any earlier!)


Blogger Newsy said...

Just be sure to set your alarm for 6:30pm on friday so you can still be on time for bible study!!...unless of course that would make you unsociable, then by all means sleep as long as you need.

3:03 PM, June 28, 2006  
Blogger [ brooke ] said...

I knew someone who had to work a 30 hour shift once.. with no sleep..

Good luck! I love you, and I will be praying for you!

p.s. is that picture really you? i cant tell. and if it is, i dont even know the setting...

10:56 AM, June 29, 2006  
Blogger Abe said...

Miss ya Shainerz. How is the wireless working at the house?

10:31 PM, July 03, 2006  

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