Sunday, November 05, 2006

Been Busy

I'm not gonna lie. This past week at work has been INSANE!!! Recently, two of our employees got fired, which left only 4 afternoon staff. And when there's 3 afternoon staff working everyday, that means we had to pick up a whole lot of hours until we hire more people. This pay period I have put in over 90 hours (in two weeks)!!! That's not too normal. I still have to question why I'm considered a part time staff when I work more than 40 hours a week, which a full time person is supposed to be guaranteed. It is kind of complicated with our company. In our house alone there are only 2 full-time afternoon spots available. They are currently taken, so that leaves the part time workers that work 40 hours or more jipped a little bit. We're basically full time staff, just with a "part time" title. They don't want to have to offer benefits to too many employees, that's why there are only two full time afternooners. In a way it's a little unfair, but I am not going to complain (too late, right?). After working almost 10 or more days in a row, I finally get tomorrow off. Then I will be working for the next 8 days after that. Don't get me wrong, it gets EXTREMELY tiring when you have to work every single day, sometimes even two shifts a day lately (morning and afternoon), but I guess I will be rewarded by this next paycheck. It is going to be crazily high! Which I'm thankful for.
So if you've been trying to get ahold of me and have failed, that is why.
This is my life as of now:

Wake up.
Eat lunch.
Go to work.
Wake up.
Eat lunch.
Go to work.

I feel like work is an idol right now. I am spending more time at work than I am reading the Bible, going to church, and spending time with the Lord. Not good.

I knew there had to be a reason as to why I am not attending school this year! Work needs me. I know I've been complaining, but I love my job. I really really do!

Anyway....I'm going to quit rambling. I'm surprised if you made it to the end of this post.

Love you all


Blogger Stacy, Jim and Brielle said...

hey sweetie, hang in there i know you are a HUGE asset to Utah!! who got fired? YEAH for a huge paycheck!!!

8:23 AM, November 06, 2006  
Blogger Bradley said...

The paycheck should help you feel better! That stinks you don't get benefits even if you regularly work 40 hours. That just doesn't seem right. I suppose they are too small of a company to have to follow any federal laws on that...?

As long as you don't become a workaholic I don't think you should worry too much about it becoming an idol. Maybe bring your Bible along for the overnight shift? Or at the very least you can pray in the car.

Love you!

4:20 PM, November 06, 2006  
Blogger Stacy said...

At least your busy during the nasty cold months then summer. by summer you'll have seniority for the good shifts and full-time! I miss reading your blogs, they always make my day! love you

7:41 PM, November 06, 2006  

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